This is Ms. Dryg's TCM2:Macromedia class.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Assignment 7: Reflective writing

Artists and scholars are often asked about their process. Please compose a short paragraph on each movie page that describes your thought process and Flash skills used in creating each movie. This is like a journal entry, so there is no right or wrong; just no cursing please.
For example:
  • Why did you pick or draw the image that you did?
  • Does it remind you of something familiar, from your own life?
  • Did you see it before somewhere?
  • Is it something you are interested in or not?
  • Do you want to know more about it?
  • What tools and/or skills did you need to learn in Flash to do the project?


Blogger Mari said...

project 1
For this project I just decided to do a car moving along the path. I added a bunny because I used to have a bunny. I thought it would be cute. I also changed the sky to give it a sense of time passing by. The tools I needed for this was motion tween.
project 2
In this project I made somebody get crushed by a snowball. I was mad at somebody so I thought it would be funny to see this person in a horrible situation. Although I was mad at this person I would never want them to be in this situation. You just need to know how to spin and object and use motion tween. Also you need to know how to use the paint and text tools to do this project.
I saw this somewhere a long time ago. I saw a doll moving her feet before. But I decided to make a doll with a moving fire. My element is fire so that is why I decided to have a moving fire in the picture.I used photoshop and flash to complete this project.
I didn't see this anywhere in my life. All you need to know to do this project was different how to use scenes.
project 5
The reason I choose to have a soccer scene was because I like soccer. I made the girl kick a ball and the ball bounced. All you need to know is how to use the shape tool, paint tool, motion tween, and movement along a path. You also need to know how to play with scenes.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 6:13:00 PM


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